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Students will be issued a folder that corresponds to their track when they start class.


Each unit will have a separate rubric that will be used to document completion and grades of various assignments done in class.  If the student is missing for any length of time they can easily check on the rubric board to see what they missed.  If I can give them extra time in class I will, if not they will need to make plans to come during Flight School or complete at home.  


Each unit has a 3-5 standards with tasks in each.  At the end of each standard a minor grade is given based on what was completed.  At the end of the unit a quiz or project will be assigned and the overall average of their rubric will be entered as a major grade.


Unless there is a valid reason the tasks are not complete at the end of the standards, grades will be given based on what the student finished.  

Student Conferences

At the end of each unit, students will take home their folder and participate in a student led conference with their parent.  There is a sheet that they will take and will share with their parents about what they learned and what they still have questions about.  This form needs to be returned to class in their folder.  These folders will come home on Fridays and need to be returned by Monday.  


Students who have had to fill out the Behavior Log will also bring home their sheet for parents to review with them and sign.  


A Seesaw form will also come home with each student if the parent has not yet signed up.

Behavior Log

In the back of my classroom there is a behavior log broken down by class and student.  When the student is doing something they know is against classroom rules, I will give them a warning to change their behavior.  After that they will be prompted on their own to go fill out their sheet in the book.  My hope is that this will be a visual representation of how often a child is acting out or causing a disruption in class.  At the end of each unit, if there are entries on their page, they will bring home a copy for parents to sign during their student led conference.


It's easy to forget sometimes how our disruptions can cause issues for others trying to learn and my hope is that once entries start to fill in students can look at how often they have had to write in the book and think about their choices.  


I am a firm believer in allowing students to recognize their behavior and take ownership for it.  This form asks them to tell me what they did wrong and how they can do better the next time.  

Assignment Dropbox

If a student is struggling to get an assignment turned in or can't access Seesaw for any reason, there is a QR code hanging by my door.  Students can scan the code in class and upload their assignments.


Also, if a student finds a fun or educational website and wants to share with the class they can use this QR code to drop it here as well.


This will help alleviate any technical issues students face online.  The QR code to the right can be used as well if students are working from home and  want to access this to upload assignments. 


Classroom Rules

Be on time, on-task & prepared to work hard & learn EVERYDAY.






PUT AWAY all personal devices unless directed by the teacher for educational purposes.


                       for your own learning


the teacher,

the classroom,

other students

Trash goes in the trashcan!


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